What Services Do We Provide?

Who Do We Serve?
The Kwanzaa Roundtable serves the African Community which includes those defined as "African" whether African - American, members of the Diaspora i.e. the Carribean, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazilian, and the members of the African continent such as Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Africa, Ghana, and those Africans from other parts of the globe residing in the United States.
We provide support for individuals that are in need of shelter, food, clothing, employment services, legal services, educational services, and any other services that are needed for that individual to become a productive member of the community through linkages and other methods.
Each individual must be willing to adhere to the guidelines that come from the Principles of Kwanzaa:
Umoja (Unity)
Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)
Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)
Nia (Purpose)
Kuumba (Creativity)
Imani (Faith)

What Do I Have To Do?